The "Hanging" Characters...


This is my favorite theme... I could say I'm proud of it. I am proud that I came up with this design idea - characters knitted or embroidered on knitwear - as if are "hanging" on the owner of a sweater or dress. This idea came to me in 1994. In the first sketches, the plots were often quite provocative. Over time, taking into account the wishes of buyers and customers, I was forced to make the stories less vulgar or sexy:

In 1994-95, we made three dozen pieces on this theme. But only a fraction of them were photographed, and the quality of the photos is far from perfect... We continued to develop this theme until 2017, when Alexandra was already ill and all our efforts and funds were been spending on her treatment... Nevertheless, we were able to make several new dresses on the "hanging" theme and they are being kept for the future museum. I don't plan to publish their photos. Enough of what has already been stolen by European designers in the past years...

     On the right - Alexander Seraphim, 2010


1 comment:

  1. Yarn Magazine, September of 2020, an interview with Alexander Seraphim:
